• How To Embrace Your Imperfections and Find Peace

    How To Embrace Your Imperfections and Find Peace

    Perfectionism is a trait that many of us have. We strive to do everything perfectly, and we feel like failures if we don't achieve it. But, the reality is that perfection is an unattainable goal, and striving for it just leads to stress, anxiety, and even depression. So why are we like this? Often, the tendency towards perfectionism is rooted in our desire for...
  • 5 Ways to Overcome Negative Thinking

    5 Ways to Overcome Negative Thinking

    Are you tired of your negative thoughts and limiting beliefs getting in the way when it comes to achieving your goals and desires? You are not alone, in fact humans are born with a natural, ingrained negativity bias, handed down from our ancestors, from the cave man days. This negativity bias was a form of protection, alerting us to potential threats, which could mean...
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