16 Journal Prompts to Use When You Are Stuck in Your Gratitude Practice
“Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day”
~ Alice Morse Earle
Some days it’s harder than others to feel grateful, some days we may be feeling tired, overwhelmed or stressed, which can cloud our vision when it comes to gratitude - but this is the perfect time to tap into it!
Gratitude has long been associated with boosting our sense of happiness, improving mental and physical health, it can help calm down our nervous system, alleviating stress and reducing depression - all very good reasons to make writing in a gratitude journal a regular practice.
On the days gratitude feels like a struggle it can be helpful to have journal prompts to draw from, to help get you started and feel more in the flow of gratitude.
Here are six key focus areas and journal prompts to help get you started:
Love & Relationships
- I’m grateful for the love I share in my life because...
- I’m grateful for my family connections because….
- I’m grateful for the friends I'm surrounded by because….
Health & Well-being
- When it comes to my health and well-being I'm grateful for….
- I’m grateful my body gives me the ability to….
- I’m grateful for my health today because…
Career & Opportunity
- I’m grateful my work gives me the opportunity to…
- I’m grateful for the work colleagues that have become friends because...
Education & Learning
- When it comes to knowledge and education I'm grateful I’ve had to opportunity to learn…
- I’m grateful this year I’ve had to opportunity to learn...
Wealth & Abundance
- 3 things that cost nothing that I’m grateful for are….
- I’m grateful money has given me the ability to help…
- I feel abundant and grateful when I think of...
Travel & Leisure
- Travelling makes me feel grateful because…
- I’m grateful for the memories I created when I visited….
- I’m grateful for the places I’ve travelled to because….
Next time you are lacking the motivation to open the pages of your gratitude journal, select one of these prompts to help spark inspiration and direct your focus to something that deserves your gratitude.
Browse our full range of Gratitude Journals HERE.
Read more about the science and research into the benefits of practising gratitude HERE.
About Amy Willoughby

Amy is a writer, content creator and life coach at Be and Bloom. Amy is passionate about connecting people through writing, coaching and the power of storytelling. The first 20 years of her career was spent behind the stylists chair as a hairstylist, where she honed her skills of listening, holding space, connecting and creating clarity through conversation. Amy’s hairdressing career came to a close after spending 3 years helping clients journey through chemotherapy, fitting and styling wigs. This was the perfect bridge and catalyst for retraining as a life coach which has led to exploration of values, modalities of wellbeing, writing and storytelling.
More about Amy and Be and Bloom…
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